Paavo Tynell A1965

Paavo Tynell A1965

Paavo Tynell A1965 Manufacturer TAITO D: 45 cm (adjustable height) Ask price!   Name Email Address Item or issue Message 11 + 7 =...
Poul Henningsen PH 5/3

Poul Henningsen PH 5/3

Poul Henningsen Table lamp PH 5/3 Manufacturer Louis Poulsen H: 54 cm Provenance: Henningsen’s gift to arch. Erik Bryggman mid 20’s Ask price! Name Email Address Item or issue Message 4 + 4 =...
Paavo Tynell wall lamp

Paavo Tynell wall lamp

Paavo Tynell rare wall lamps, pair with concave disks Manufacturer TAITO Oy H: 50 cm SOLD! Name Email Address Item or issue Message 3 + 1 =...